Visiting hours

We recommend visiting from 8 am until 8 pm, after that time we lock our doors as most residents are asleep. But you are welcome to visit 24 hours a day. Please call in advance for after-hours so we can make accommodations outside of visiting hours.

Can my loved one receive mail?

Mail is delivered to residents personally on a daily basis except for weekends and holidays.

Spring Road Healthcare
1527 Spring Rd.
Vallejo, CA 94591

Attn: ___________________ Room No. _____

Consider using our Send a Greeting feature on the website. You can choose from a variety of postcards to fill out and mail to your loved one for a small fee or you may type a message and through email, send us your email greeting that we will hand-deliver to your loved one residing in our facility. Our email feature is free of charge.

Do you take long-term patients?

It varies case by case, but generally, we are a short-term facility.

Is transportation to appointments provided?

Yes, we do provide pending the distance.

Do you have someone to assist with discharges?

Our social worker can assist with all discharge concerns.

Do you allow smoking?

No, we are a non-smoking facility.